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Sand Area

Sand Area Overview

Aside from free sport for kids, another key concept of Spring Lane is to offer a range of outdoor sports, not normally available in the local area. Taking a central position on site, sandwiched between the indoor facility and the open stream, lies the sand sports area.

Covering an area of 60m x 40m, the sand area is capable of hosting 6 beach volleyball courts and available to play a range of other beach sports including beach: football, rugby, frisbee and cricket and more diverse sports such as kabaddi, tug of war and even for the less physically able Petanque.

Building on the success of the recent Commonwealth Games, where beach Volleyball was one of the most watched sports, the local community were asked if a sand area would be a good addition to Spring Lane, the answer was overwhelmingly yes!

Having the facility at Spring Lane also offers a beach volleyball centre on the North of the city, to rival the one being built at Moseley Rugby Club. Meaning local fixtures between the two clubs are a great possibility.

Many of our winter sports such as football and rugby, shut down in the summer months, the beach area provides a summer alternative for playing these sports and potential for some exiting summer tournaments.

A perimeter path around the sand area, means the area is accessible for wheelchair users, allowing those with physical disabilities to also play the wide range of sports available.

As part of the legacy from the Commonwealth Games, a further international beach Volleyball court is being built at the Alexander Stadium, this will be an international standard venue, raising the profile of the sport in the Midlands area.

England Volleyball have offered to train coaches from the local area and help deliver initial sessions to build the momentum around the sport.

Who knows in the future we may be watching home grown Erdington Volleyball Players raised at Spring Lane competing on the international court!

If anyone is interesting in knowing more about any of the beach sports or would like to get involved in forming a club, please contact us on [email protected]