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Malus Domestica 'Cox's Orange Pippin'

Cox's Orange Pippin

This is the classic English apple, often regarded as the finest of all dessert apples, and the inspiration for this website. It arose in England in the 19th century as a chance seedling, and has inspired apple lovers ever since. It remains unsurpassed for its richness and complexity of flavour.

Two characteristics tend to be apparent in its offspring to a greater or lesser extent. Firstly the relatively pronounced and complex “aromatic” flavour which elevates it above most other varieties. Secondly, the striking and attractive orange-red colouring.

It is the range and complexity of flavours which makes Cox’s Orange Pippin so appealing to enthusiasts of the “English” style of apple. This is a variety for the connoisseur, who can delight in the appreciation of the remarkable range of subtle flavours – pear, melon, freshly-squeezed Florida orange juice, and mango are all evident in a good example.  Almost all other apples taste one-dimensional alongside a good Cox’s Orange Pippin.

The term “orange” in the context of apple varieties commonly refers to an apple with an orange flush.  Many of these varieties such as Kidd’s Orange Red, Ellison’s Orange and Tydemann’s Late Orange are related to Cox, but it can be applied to others such as Blenheim Orange.

This tree is sponsored by Mirka